Optimizing AI Agents: How Replaying LLM Sessions Enhances Performance

Cole Gottdank's headshotCole Gottdank· September 26, 2024

Optimizing AI Agents

If you looking to optimize your AI agents and improve their performance, replaying LLM sessions with Helicone is a great way to do so.

Understanding how changes impact your AI agents in real-world interactions is crucial. By replaying LLM sessions with Helicone, you can directly apply modifications to actual AI agent sessions, providing valuable insights that traditional isolated testing may miss.

In this guide, we'll show you step-by-step how to optimize your AI agents with Helicone, providing best practices and examples.

What is an AI Agent?

An AI agent is an autonomous software entity that performs tasks on behalf of users with some degree of independence or autonomy, utilizing AI techniques. Optimizing these agents ensures they provide accurate, efficient, and reliable outcomes.

Why Optimize AI Agents by Replaying LLM Sessions?

Replaying LLM sessions allows you to:

  • Test Modifications Safely: Experiment with changes without affecting live users.
  • Understand Contextual Performance: See how adjustments impact the agent's behavior over entire sessions.
  • Improve User Experience: Deliver more accurate and helpful interactions to users.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing AI Agent Performance

Example Application: AI Debate

We'll walk through an example of a debate session between a user and an assistant. Between each argument, a impartial assistant scores the argument from 1 to 10.

Step 1: Setting Up Your AI Agent with Helicone

Instrument your AI agent’s LLM calls to include Helicone session metadata for tracking and logging.

Instrumenting Your LLM Calls

  1. Configure the OpenAI API client with Helicone

    Set up the session headers, configure the OpenAI API client with Helicone, and include the necessary headers when making a request.

    const { OpenAI } = require("openai");
    const { randomUUID } = require("crypto");
    // Generate unique session identifiers
    const sessionId = randomUUID();
    const sessionName = "AI Debate";
    const sessionPath = "/debate/climate-change";
    // Initialize OpenAI client with Helicone baseURL and auth header
    const openai = new OpenAI({
      apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
      baseURL: "https://oai.helicone.ai/v1",
      defaultHeaders: {
        "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer ${process.env.HELICONE_API_KEY}`,
    // Include Helicone session headers when making requests
    const response = await openai.chat.completions(
        model: "gpt-4o-mini",
        messages: conversation,
        headers: {
          "Helicone-Session-Id": sessionId,
          "Helicone-Session-Name": sessionName,
          "Helicone-Session-Path": sessionPath,
  2. Initialize the conversation with the assistant

    const topic = "The impact of climate change on global economies";
    const conversation = [
        role: "system",
          "You're a debating professional. You're engaging in a structured debate with the user. Each of you will present arguments for or against the topic. Keep responses concise and to the point.",
        role: "assistant",
        content: `Welcome to our debate! Today's topic is: "${topic}". I will argue in favor, and you will argue against. Please present your opening argument.`,
  3. Loop through the debate turns

    let turn = 1;
    while (turn <= MAX_TURNS) {
      // Get user's argument
      const userArgument = await promptUser("Your argument: ");
      conversation.push({ role: "user", content: userArgument });
      // Score the user's argument
      await evaluateArgument(
        "Your Argument",
      // Assistant responds with a counter-argument
      const assistantResponse = await generateAssistantResponse(
      // Score the assistant's argument
      await evaluateArgument(
        "Assistant's Argument",

    Note: The functions promptUser, evaluateArgument, and generateAssistantResponse handle user input, argument evaluation, and generating assistant responses, respectively.

After setting up and running your session through Helicone, you can view it in Helicone:

Go fullscreen for the best experience.

Read more about how to implement Helicone sessions here.

Step 2: Retrieving Session Data

Use Helicone's API to fetch session data for analysis.

const response = await fetch("https://api.helicone.ai/v1/request/query", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    Authorization: `Bearer ${HELICONE_API_KEY}`,
  body: JSON.stringify({
    filter: {
      properties: {
        "Helicone-Session-Id": {
          equals: SESSION_ID_TO_REPLAY,
const data = await response.json();

Read more about Helicone's API here.

Step 3: Replaying and Modifying Sessions

Modify session data to test improvements.

  1. Parse and sort the requests

    Sorting session data can be complex because each use case is unique and may require custom logic. For our debate session example, we simply sort the requests by their created_at timestamp.

    const requests = data.data.map((request) => ({
      created_at: request.request_created_at,
      session: request.request_properties["Helicone-Session-Id"],
      signed_body_url: request.signed_body_url,
      request_path: request.request_path,
      path: request.request_properties["Helicone-Session-Path"],
      prompt_id: request.request_properties["Helicone-Prompt-Id"],
      body: request.body,
    requests.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.created_at) - new Date(b.created_at));
  2. Modify the request bodies as needed

    For example, we can adjust the system prompts to change the assistants argument or argument evaluation response.

    function modifyRequestBody(request) {
      if (request.prompt_id === "argument-evaluation") {
        const systemMessage = request.body.messages.find(
          (msg) => msg.role === "system"
        if (systemMessage) {
          systemMessage.content += " Keep the feedback short and concise.";
      } else if (request.prompt_id === "assistant-argument") {
        const systemMessage = request.body.messages.find(
          (msg) => msg.role === "system"
        if (systemMessage) {
          systemMessage.content +=
            " Take the persona of a genius in this field when responding.";
      return request;
  3. Replay the modified session

    // Create a new session for the replay
    const replaySessionId = randomUUID();
    for (const request of requests) {
      const modifiedRequest = modifyRequestBody(request);
      // Reuse session metadata from the original request
      await handleChatCompletion(modifiedRequest);
    async function handleChatCompletion(modifiedRequest) {
      const { body, path, prompt_id, request_path } = modifiedRequest;
      // Send the modified request to the LLM
      const response = await fetch(request_path, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`,
          "Helicone-Auth": `Bearer ${HELICONE_API_KEY}`,
          // Reuse the session metadata for logging
          "Helicone-Session-Id": replaySessionId,
          "Helicone-Session-Name": sessionName,
          "Helicone-Session-Path": path,
          "Helicone-Prompt-Id": prompt_id,
        body: JSON.stringify(body),

    Note: In the handleChatCompletion function, we send the modified request to the LLM. By reusing the same session-name, session-path, prompt-id, and request path from the original requests, we ensure that the replayed session is logged in Helicone under the same session metadata. This allows you to see the replayed requests in Helicone, grouped under the same session, making it easier to compare and analyze the effects of your modifications.

After running the replay, you can view it in Helicone:

Go fullscreen for the best experience.

With the replayed session now visible in Helicone, you can observe how the modifications impact the AI's responses throughout the session. This visualization shows how changes in prompts or configurations affect subsequent interactions.

Optional: Evaluations & Prompt Versioning


To assess the impact of your changes quantitatively, use Helicone's evaluation features to assign scores to both the original and replayed sessions. Comparing these scores helps you understand the effects of your modifications and refine your prompts more effectively.

Prompt Versioning

Helicone's prompt versioning feature allows you to manage and compare different versions of your prompts effectively. By maintaining multiple versions, you can test various combinations within your sessions to identify which prompts yield the best results. To retrieve specific prompt versions, use Helicone's Prompt API.

Here's how you can iterate over prompt versions to test different compositions in your sessions:

Define a list of prompt versions for each prompt.
For each combination in the cartesian product of prompt versions:
    Generate a new session ID.
    For each prompt in the combination:
        Fetch the prompt content using Helicone's Prompt API.
    Run the session using the retrieved prompts.

Alternatively, as described above, you can manually modify the prompts after retrieving the session, and Helicone will automatically log the new prompt versions for you. In this approach, you create the prompt versions first.


By focusing on replaying LLM sessions, you can significantly enhance the performance of your AI agents. Helicone provides the tools necessary to make this process efficient and effective, leading to better user experiences and more robust AI applications.

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